Monday, June 6, 2011

More Melons to Harvest

I was walking past my melon vine the recently and I smelled the distinctive melon musk aroma that meant my Wrangler melon was finally ripe. I peeked under the protective pantyhose cover and I confirmed that the melon stripes had partially lightened to a pale yellow from their original green and the skin between the netting was tan yellow. Finally I pulled gently on the stem and it detached. It was ready!!!

I weighed the melon and it was about 3.5 pounds. When I opened it up I saw the color was very nice and the flesh looked very juicy. It was perfectly ripe. It was nice and sweet but not too sweet. The best part was I grew it myself, well God grew it but I helped. I still have one more melon to collect. I lost two melons to cucumber worms before I started covering everything in pantyhose.