Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Spring Tomato Season 2010-Part 1

I have managed to accquire a number of heirloom tomato seeds. I purchased some from seed sellers online and some were given to me by very generous gardeners. I started seeds from several varieties in early January. Unfortunately the weather is still pretty cold and wet so I have been moving the seedlings a lot. When it is nice and sunny they go out in the yard. When it is under 50 degrees or rainy I bring them inside.

My little baby tomatoes are: Cuostrolee, Giant Belgium, Cherokee Purple, Hillbilly, Sunsugar, Matt’s wild cherry, Black cherry, Amish Salad, San Marzano, Garden peach, Paul Robeson, Red zebra, Black zebra, Black from Tula. I have some others that have not germinated yet. I probably am not going to have room for all of these.

Stupice: Has potato leaf foliage. Isn't she cute?